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Free bereavement support, groups and courses

Bennetts Funeral Directors recognise that bereavement support services are needed for the bereaved in our community.
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Dr. Bill Webster and bereavement support Grief Journey courses

The free Bereavement Grief Journey Courses


Bennetts Funeral Directors are pleased to offer free Bereavement Grief Journey Courses.  These courses have been designed by Dr. Bill Webster, the renowned grief counsellor and author. Dr Bill combines his own experience of loss with a vast knowledge of bereavement counselling. Additionally, his unique sense of humour enables him to communicate his message effectively to others.

The six week structured Grief Journey programe is sponsored by Bennetts Funeral Directors. Additionally, we have access to Dr Bill’s literature which also helps to reinforce the messages given during the training. Furthermore, we also have a section of our website dedicated to the Grief Journey.

As a result of our committment to the bereaved, Dr Bill will continue to train and support us in the future.  

Grief Journey Courses

Anthropologist Margaret Mead wrote “When someone is born, we rejoice. When someone is married, we celebrate. But when someone dies, we pretend that nothing has happened”

Loss and grief have been part of life from the beginning of time.  However, modern society appears to be one where death is rarely acknowledged.  Because of this, grief can be a difficult experience. For the most part people struggle with their feelings when confronted with a loss. So, at a time when the bereaved need support of family and friends, they are sometimes greeted with avoidance.

Grief Journey is a six-week structured course especially for anyone coping with a loss, who would like some guidance and help on their very own personal grief journey.

It must be remembered that the loss of a loved one is a uniquely personal experience. For that reason, validating the significance of grief and the difficult process someone is going through, is the greatest gift that anyone can give someone who is suffering from a loss.

Dr. Bill Webster has trained those who will facilitate the courses.

What to expect during 6 week Grief Journey  – The 9 sessions are listed below:

  • 1 – Every Life Tells a Story: Meet Dr. Bill Webster
  • 2 – Understanding Grief.   
  • 3  – Coping with Emotions
  • 4 – A Whole New World: The Challenges of Grief When the World Changes. 
  • 5 – Always on my Mind: Memories, Special Days and Grief Triggers
  • 6 – Coping with Guilt, Anger and Blame
  • 7 – Coping with Loneliness and Other Adjustments
  • 8 – Rebuilding your Life after Loss
  • Also an Optional Session 9 (Extra Session)  Grief and Faith, Hope, and Meaning. This is followed by refreshments.

Occasionally, the above may be subject to amendment in the running order of the sessions.

If you would like to attend our programme please call Lisa, Bridget or Jane on 01277 627492.

It can be hard for someone to admit they need support following a loss.  If this is the case, please speak with them about our Grief Journey. Suggest they call us on 01277 210104.

At each of the groups, you will receive a small pack, this includes the booklet ‘Now What?’ written by Dr. Bill Webster.

Dr. Bill has also written a book entitled ‘Why Me?’. This relates to facing an uncertain future after a loss.  If you would like either of his books, contact us and we will post them to you.

Effective grief work is not done alone.

Would you like to know more about how to help the bereaved?

Are you struggling to come to terms with the death of a loved one?

If the answer to either of these questions is yes, then we encourage you to attend one of our free courses.

You can also find a wealth of practical help and information, on The Grief Journey Portal.

Secure your place on our next Bereavement Grief Journey Course. Contact Lisa, Bridget, or Jane on 01277 210104 or 07894 698288 or email or

To clarify, if you need support and would like to talk to someone please call us on 01277 210104. Alternatively, visit our Useful Contacts Page On this page you will find information on the many organisations offering bereavement support services